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  • Journal Articles
    Caggiano, H., Kocakusak, D., Kumar, P., & Tier, M. O. (2023). U.S. cities’ integration and evaluation of equity considerations into climate action plans. npj Urban Sustainability, 3(50), 1-9. Tier, M. (2021). Overcoming contemporary reform failure of the National Flood Insurance Program to accelerate just climate transitions. Journal of Public & International Affairs, 32, online.
  • Other Publications
    Bunker, H., Schnarr, E., Tier, M. O., & Ventrella, J. (2022). The State of Climate Knowledge 2022. NYC Mayor's Office of Climate & Environmental Justice, Climate Knowledge Exchange. Cook, E., Ventrella, J., McPhearson, T., Parris, A., Tier, M., …, & Tagtachian, D. (2022). NYC Climate Adapt-ation Scenarios for 2100: Exploring Alternative, Positive Visions for a Resilient Future. The New School, Urban Systems Lab. Tier, M., Oppenheimer, M., & Nordenson, G. (2021). Memorandum on Federal Priorities for Climate Adaptation. Princeton University, Center for Policy Research on Energy & the Environment. Braneon, C., Rosenzweig, C., Crete, E., Fanaeian, L., …, & Tier, M. (2020). Chapter 4.2: States and cities for climate action. In America’s Zero Carbon Action Plan: The Zero Carbon Consortium (Eds. J. Sachs & E. Crete). Sustainable Development Solutions Network USA. Tier, M. (2020). Multi-level and regional governance models for urban climate action: A case study of the Philadelphia metropolitan area. Conference paper. International Conference on Sustainable Development. Fox-Glassman, K. & Tier, M. (2015). Risk Perceptions and Wildfire Evacuation: A Case Study of Wildfire Experience in Southern California. Columbia University, Center for Research on Environmental Decisions.
  • Conference Presentations
    Cano Pecharroman, L., Lamb, Z., Tier, M., Shi, L., Sarmiento, H., & Dumont Copero, M. (2023). Barriers as high as seawalls: Contextual and regulatory challenges for community flood adaptation. Panel co-presenter. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning Annual Conference, IL. Tier, M., Nwagwu, I., Jessee, N., & Milnes, T. (2023). Navigating successful co-production of campus-as-lab initiatives. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Ed (AASHE) Conference, MA. Tier, M., Siders, A.R., Pricope, N., Cooper-Kolb, T., Loughran, K., & Durgerian, L. (2023). Equity and environmental justice in urban environments. Panel co-presenter. Columbia University Managed Retreat Conference, NY. Tier, M. (2023). Spillover between behaviors and policy support in the climate change and COVID-19 Domains. Poster presenter. Society for Personality & Social Psychology Convention, Online. Tier, M. (2022). Variegated risk perceptions & policy preferences among multi-level U.S. climate adaptation governance actors. Presenter. Behavior, Energy & Climate Change Conference, D.C. Tier, M., Constantino, S., Wang, L., Parris, A., Weber, E., & Siders, A. R. (2022). Behavioral science insights for environmentally just climate adaptation policy. Poster presenter. National Adaptation Forum, MD. Tier, M. (2022). Behavioral science insights for environmentally just urban climate adaptation: A case study of managed retreat. Presenter. Climate Mobility Research Symposium, NY. Tier, M. (2021). Critical perspectives on managed retreat at the intersection of psychology & environmental justice. Presenter. Columbia University Managed Retreat Conference, Online. Tier, M., Lynch, M., Hiser, K., & Crowley, A. (2020). Climate emotions, environmental justice, & student mentorship. Workshop co-facilitator. Princeton Short Courses Series, Online. Tier, M. (2020). Graduate student opportunities for innovative pedagogy & institutional leverage: How we can plug in. Session presenter. AASHE Conference, PA. Tier, M. (2019). Linkage of urban climate governance scales: Comparing resilience frameworks within the greater Philadelphia metropolitan area. Poster presenter. International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD), NY. Tier, M. & Mayorga, E. (2019). Environmental justice & pedagogy for the public good. Co-presenter. Swarthmore Alumni Lecture Series, Online. Tier, M. (2018). Breaking down silos in universities: Imaginative interdisciplinary approaches to sustainable development research, education, and practice. Poster presenter. ICSD, NY. Tier, M. (2018). Partnering student Green Advisors with staff Advocates: Swarthmore's innovative eco-reps model. Session presenter. AASHE Conference, PA. Tier, M., Gibbons, J., & Vasishth, A. (2018). From the 3Es to the SDGs: Updating sustainability frameworks used as educational tools. Panel co-presenter. AASHE Conference, PA. Woolston, T., Tier, M., Hiltner, K., Parncutt, R. (2018). The climate-friendly global academic conference with a human touch. Panel co-presenter. AASHE Webinar Series, Online. Tier, M. (2017). Employing engaged campus stakeholders for impactful behavior change research. Poster presenter. Smart & Sustainable Campuses Conference, MD. Tier, M. & Winslade, A. (2016). Internal carbon fee discussion. Session co-presenter. Northeast Campus Sustainability Conference, MA. Tier, M., Winslade, A., Hall, A., & Graf, R. (2016). Decarbonizing the global economy: Higher education's role in carbon pricing. Networking session co-host. AASHE Conference, MD. Winslade, A., Hall, A., Laemel, R., Tier, M., & Graf, R. (2016). Internal carbon pricing: Designing & implementing campus climate policies with Vassar, Swarthmore, and Yale. Session co-presenter. AASHE Conference, MD. Many additional workshop presentations, class visits, & community talks on climate change, EJ, zero waste, etc.
  • Teaching
    Spring 2023-2024 Intro to Environmental Justice. Lead Instructor. Princeton Prison Teaching Initiative, East Jersey State Prison. Spring 2023 The Environment: Science and Policy. Assistant Instructor. Princeton University. Fall 2021 UNFCCC COP & the International Climate Regime. Co-Instructor. Swarthmore College. Fall 2019 Compost & Climate Change. Assistant Instructor. Swarthmore College. F/S 2016-2018 Student Sustainability Research Fellowship. Teaching Assistant. Swarthmore College. Aug 2015-2020 Internship Program Training Week, Green Advisors Program. Director. Swarthmore College.
  • Awards
    2023-2024 Prize Fellowship in the Social Sciences, Princeton University 2023-2024 Mary and Randall Hack ’69 Graduate Award for Water and the Environment, Princeton High Meadows Environmental Institute 2023 Dissertation Research Grant, Princeton Institute for International & Regional Studies 2020, 2018 Biennial Suzanne P. Welsh Staff Award, Swarthmore College 2018 Lippincott Alumni Fellowship for Graduate Study, Swarthmore College
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